Saturday, December 3, 2011

Tailgating...vegan style...

Saturday was the USC v. UCLA game and we had to be there 3 hours before game time to get parking, which meant, we would be tailgating.  My first tailgating experience since embracing veganism. 
 There were some hits and some misses.  I made a cold veggie pasta salad with whole grain pasta, sundried tomatoes, cucumber, broccoli, yellow and orange bell peppers.  For the dressing, I used 2 tablespoons of oil, 1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar, and some salt to taste.  In the past, I would have added parmesan cheese as well, but I think the pasta was just as good this time around even without it.
Next, I attempted black bean brownies.  They were okay.  I have about 20 different recipes for them, so I will try another one.  These just weren't sweet enough to sub in for the real article.  Which was disappointing since most of the baked goods have been home runs.  Tomorrow, my five year old and I are trying another version, so if that's good I will definitely post the recipe. 

One thing to note...veganism requires better than average appliances.  I have already killed the motor on both our food processor and our blender.  So I now need to evaluate the best option for replacements.  I need to find more durable appliances, but I'm not ready to spend $500 for a vitamix machine yet.  I would love any recommendations in this regard.

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