Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 2--Highs and Lows

Yesterday, I woke up excited and raring to go on my new plantstrong lifestyle.  Today was a bit different.  I woke up monumentally sad...
I felt a little lonely--it's hard not really having any close vegan friends.  And, honestly, I felt a longing for the things that I would never eat again. 
Now I know that ultimately, those feelings have very little to do with the food themselves, and I don't for one minute regret my decision to embark on this life changing journey.  However, eating is primarly emotional, especially for us women.  And I have so many memories that are invoked by certain restaurants, holidays, and special occasions and they all revolve around certain foods.  So I really am mourning a loss in a way.  And while I understand why I am feeling blue, it doesn't make it any easier to go through. 

But the highpoint came this evening.  I actually ate takeout (mediterranean place where I could get lentils and rice and pita with hummus) at my mom's house.  Since it was late and I was tired and I knew my five year old wouldn't eat the lentils, I told her it was okay if she wanted the chicken.  She started to freak out, began to cry, and demanded to eat vegan.  She told me she'd rather eat peanut butter and jelly (since we were at grandma's that really was our only vegan option), and so she did.  I was really proud of her.    She asked if we could eat vegan for the rest of our lives, and I hugged her and told her yes. 
So it looks like I have found a really good friend, who is also a vegan.

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