Monday, November 28, 2011

No...I haven't fallen off the wagon!

You might have thought since I haven't posted in ten days (ok really lame of me I know) that I have fallen off the vegan wagon.  Good news!  I haven't!  I haven't been avoiding posting because of any lapses in my commitment or desire, but instead, I have been exhausted.  My one year old was getting his back molars and waking up every night, and then we had family in town for thanksgiving which I was hosting for the first time ever, so there was a ton of work to do!  I've basically been heading to bed as soon as the kiddies are down which means no time to post.

So here's a rundown of the good, the bad, and the ugly of the last ten days.  First, the good.  I am happy to say that Jack is back on almond milk (which has more calcium than whole milk without all the potentially carcinogenic compounds)!  Rebekah loves it.  And even Geoff grudgingly pined for almond milk on his cereal (after tasting soy milk).  I haven't had meat for 3 weeks and to be honest, I don't even miss it!  I am finding all sorts of fabulous recipes so I am excited to cook again.  And, for the most part, everything has been a winner satisfying both vegans and non-vegans alike.

Now here's the bad.  I need to eat more fruits and vegetables.  I know it sounds crazy because you are thinking, well if she's eating vegan, she must be eating her fruits and vegetables.   But I am and I'm not.  Some days I go a whole day without ingesting any fruit!  At least dinner is always definitely veggie packed.  However, I feel like for breakfast and lunch I am focusing too much on grains.    And even though they are whole grains, the health benefits that I am really looking for, come from eating more veggies and fruits..  So I am working on that!  This week I've decided that lunch will either be a big green salad with kidney beans or pasta with a boatload of kale or spinach.  I've found that less options make planning easier and lunch is definitely something I don't have a lot of time to cook for.  Breakfast is even harder because what can I eat other than cereal or toast--kind of boring.  And I am not ready to try tofu scrambles yet.  This is where I certainly need to start eating more fruit!!!

Finally, the ugly.  I have eaten McDonald's french fries.  I know... I know...  I was hungry and time crunched and so, I went that route.  Very upset because my main reason for doing this was to get healthier and eliminate processed foods and unhealthy fast food from my diet.  Sigh...  Just another reminder that eating a vegan diet doesn't automatically mean eating a healthy diet.  You could live on french fries, white bread and processed faux cheese and be a very unhealthy vegan!

Okay, so that should catch you up.  In my next post, it will be all about vegan thanksgiving and some yummy recipes. 

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